Homemade castor oil shampoo recipe
Homemade castor oil shampoo recipe
Ingredients: castor oil, ghassoul, cider vinegar, rose water and a little warm water
Quantities :
3 tablespoons of ghassoul
2 tablespoon cider vinegar
1 tablespoon castor oil
3 tbsp rose water
If you need to add a little lukewarm water...
The method to follow:
Then mix everything in a container with a wooden spoon, then on wet hair, apply the mixture line by line, massaging the scalp, then all over the hair . Leave on for 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water . Result of healthier, stronger, shinier, softer hair with light volume (all this without conditioner and only with natural products)
The benefits :
The rose water will strengthen and make the hair more supple, the ghassoul brings volume, cleans and degreases the hair. The cider vinegar will stimulate the blood activity of the epidermis, the hair fiber will be strengthened. Castor oil moisturizes the scalp, brings suppleness, shine and helps growth, only happiness for our hair!!
Small + Casarome:
For pregnant and breastfeeding women, it is possible to replace castor oil (not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women) with another oil such as argan, avocado, coconut, olive, sweet almond ... which are recognized for their benefits on the scalp
Castor oil is available on our shop, as well as ghassoul and rose water